Verse to Live By

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Making the Most

Wow, what a weekend! This could probably be considered my first actual 'weekend' since coming to Perth. Last week was nice, don't get me wrong... but today and yesterday I explored more and met more people, thus making this weekend officially awesome!
Starting off, yesterday (Saturday) I rode the train into the city centre of Perth. It was a gorgeous ride, and the weather was beautiful, and I could see the interestingly shaped buildings of the city rising up into the sky from my window, and the Swan River to my right. Needless to say, it was pretty great! God has made some beautiful scenery in this world, and he's made beautiful, creative minds to design impressive architecture for us to enjoy!
The view from my train window seat! (Not from the car! I don't take pictures while driving, people!) :)
Once in the city, I found myself greatly enjoying the atmosphere. It reminded me in some ways of San Francisco, but with a much smaller feel... of course, I only explored one tiny section. Literally, I stayed in one place the whole two and a half hours I was there. But I wasn't bored, so it was all good!
The city centre was dotted with several street performers and musicians, which was why I could spend two hours there, easily. There probably were about 7-8 individuals performing that afternoon, all on that small two-three block-sized area.
One young man was dancing to music with a softball-sized glass ball and four red plastic hoops. Which I realize doesn't sound very exciting at all, but when you saw it, it was pretty darn amazing! He made whatever he was dancing with, the ball or the hoops, look like they were floating! I thought he was an illusionist for a second.
Another man (the best performer, in my opinion) was a comedian/trick performer! He had the largest crowd. Honestly, I don't think hardly anybody just walked by him. He ended up riding on a unicycle that was 9 feet tall, juggling knives!
And I took pictures of all these things, but for some reason, my blog website isn't letting my upload them! Sad day! They are on facebook, if anyone really wants to see.
There was some incredibly creative people operating a 'Human Arcade,' another trick performer, and several guitarists sitting out on benches with their instrument cases open for donations. One of them actually looked a bit like an unknown Hemsworth brother. I don't think he was, but I got a little excited for a second.
And wow! Something pretty awesome just happened, so I am going to take a brief intermission to tell you about it! Sarah, the little girl I am nannying for, is sick right now, and has a fever. She was meant to go to bed over two hours ago and was laying there crying, not feeling well at all. A minute ago, I prayed that God would soothe her body and let her have some much needed rest. And before I had even finished the prayer, she stopped crying, and now I'm assuming she's asleep. That's the power of prayer at work. Our Lord is so good!
Anyways, back to the story... I did a little shopping in the city centre, got a sandwich and some frozen yogurt (yum!) and had a nice, relaxing time just cruising around listening to the music, then took the train back to the suburb.
Today, I went back to Lifestreams church, where I visited last week. And this Sunday, guess what? I actually got there before the service started! It was a very nice, encouraging sermon, communion time, and worship. And, can I just say how happy I was that I already knew all the songs! We sang How He Loves and a few others that made me very cheerful and encouraged. Afterward, I re-connected with a few of the people I had met last week, then got to know a couple of people from the young adults ministry, and eventually ended up going out to eat lunch with them, then hung out at various peoples houses until later that day! It was so refreshing to be spending time with my own age group! I knew I missed it, but I hadn't realized how much! 
So, that's my relaxing, eventful weekend! I never really have needed to appreciate weekends before... now that that has changed, I have discovered they are definitely worth making the most of! Yay for weekends!

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