Verse to Live By

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Answered Prayers

I have officially been in Australia for one month, and it is so incredible how the time has flown by, despite the stress and homesickness and huge adjustment period (which, I think, will continue on for a few weeks more). I feel like I just got here, but I also feel like I have been here a very long time, especially when I think about home. However, I am still meeting wonderful people every week and having a great time getting to know them!
This post already feels different to me. It seems more deep than the previous ones. And I am doing that on purpose. It's a good thing to be deep and contemplative some of the time, even though I am not good at talking about it in the least. Thus the blog!
I've been thinking a lot this week about just how amazing God is about answering our prayers. Over the last few months, I have seen this again and again, and it wasn't until recently that I actually sat down and realized what was happening.
It started a few months ago. I had the typical 20-year-old wanderlust going on. I prayed and prayed that God would send me on a trip or and adventure of some kind, so I could grow in myself and Him, and see some of His marvelous world before I had to settle into some unknown career. It took a little bit of time, but suddenly I was preparing for a journey to Australia! But it didn't stop there...
I prayed that, somehow, God would provide the finances for the trip. It was relatively expensive, what with the plane ticket and the visa and the insurance. But suddenly, my cinnamon roll business (which I expected to be very small) boomed and I made heaps of money selling cinnamon rolls! (Lol, I said heaps. How very Aussie of me.) But it didn't stop there...
I prayed for a safe flight, and God delivered.
I prayed that I wouldn't be overly emotional and crying the whole flight (It was a legitimate fear), and God delivered.
I prayed that I wouldn't lose my luggage or any of my belongings, and God delivered.
Once I arrived, I found that I was a bit overwhelmed by the change in culture and lifestyles. I prayed many times a day that God would help me do my job to the best of my abilities, and be able to connect with my host family. Now, even though we are different in how we do things, I feel much more adept at communicating with them than I was when I first arrived, and I have learned to do my job in a way that they accept and I am proud of. But it didn't stop there...
My first time going to church, I prayed God would show me whether or not this was the one I was supposed to be at. I had initially planned to search around to find the one that suited me. First time there, arriving an hour late, I connected with several people who knew my church from Modesto, knew a few of my pastors, and knew my friends. The connection was instantaneous, and I never felt the need to search for another church. This was the one. But it didn't stop there...
For the first few weeks, every time I went to church, or to a church-related event, I prayed to God that I would meet new friends, connect with people, and generally have a good time. Which seems a funny thing to pray, but it's really not when you're going in blind. Every single time I went to one of these events, I left with several new phone numbers and invitations to come back! The welcoming nature of everyone was a little overwhelming.
Now, that's about all I can say for now, but I am completely positive that it won't stop here... God's answer to prayer is incredible! I can't wait to see what else He does while I am here!

On another, less deep note...
It was a relatively slow week. I did go to a birthday party yesterday (Saturday), which was very fun, and gorgeous!

Our view from the park that the party was at! Right next to the Swan River, overlooking the city!

 The sky was absolutely amazing! It was a wonderful night to be out, enjoying God creation!

Hope you all are having a good week, and to be in contact with you soon!

1 comment:

  1. This is such a great post Emily - I'm so happy you have found a church home, although we miss you very much!
