Verse to Live By

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Greetings from Perth!

Hi everyone! I have arrived safely in Perth!
That flight was so long! I am very happy to finally be here, and just woke up from sleeping for about 11 hours. And I definitely needed it. The trip in total was 26 hours long. Being that those mere 26 hours brought me through 2 whole days and halfway around the globe, I think it's safe to say that they were the longest hours of my life thus far. The flights were uneventful (I've heard "boring" is a word that is only good when used to describe an airplane ride). Well, boring it is! It turns out I like flying a lot more when I am not congested. Luckily, I was in an eisle seat, so I could get up and walk around/use the restroom whenever I needed to. When I wasn't sleeping, I was trying to read (which is hard when you are low on sleep) and watched Thor: The Dark World and The Lone Ranger! Pretty good movie selections on this flight, if I do say so myself. There was about 30-40 films/tv shows to choose from, and they played on little personal screens on the back of the seat in front of me. Virgin Australia had very good food (I ate a grand total of 3 airline meals and one snack). Beef stroganoff, cheese omlettes, and some yummy chicken-mushroom thing. The attendents were pretty cool too. They all had aussie accents! As did many of the passengers. The man sitting next to me was from Melbourne, and was very excited to wecome me to Australia! Apparently I need to visit Brisbane and the Golden Coast.

The family is very kind and welcoming, and the little girl is adorable! She can say my name already, because she has a doll named Emily, also. :) We may be going out to eat lunch later today!

The house is beautiful! I haven't seen much of anything yet, except from looking out the window on the drive from the airport (which I may not have been fully awake). But the sky is very blue and clear (no yucky valley haze here), and it's nice and warm and summery! Can't wait to go exploring!

Bye for now!

1 comment:

  1. Emily you are officially in the "saint" category now with Gma Rosie! You two are the only lovies on earth who are nice enough to say airplane food is yummy! xoxo
    Can't wait to hear about your explorations!
